p> p> p>
- December 26 Death
- November 30 Grant Application

- December 31 Treasure
- January I'm still thinking about it...

- January I'm thinking about it...

- November 11 Yellow
- August 04 Sweet's Meadow in August
- July 27 Tower of Babel
- April 23 Raggies again
- April 16 Parting brass rags
- April 14 Self Portraits
- April 13 The way things really are.
- March 31
- March 30
- March 29
- March 28
- March 27
- March 20
- March 18
- March 07
- February 12 New Year's Day 4700 Sunset
- February 01 Sweet's Meadow: Winter
- January 20 Portrait
- January 19 Some people
- July 28 Hauling myself up by the bootstraps...
- April 05 If I could talk to the animals...
- April 02 Aurora Watch
- March 23 Water, water everywhere.
- March 22 Energy Workers Unite!
- March 18 Why & Wherefore
- March 17 Sleepy Time Gal
- March 14 Progress
- March 13
- March 11 Indoor Gardening
- March 06 Nor'easter
- February 23 Winter White
- February 20 An unfortunate book...
- February 17 If wishes were horses...
- February 14 Wasting Time Sleeping; Cupid: Marksman or Joker?
- February 04 Waiting for the thaw...
- February 01 Taking aim at spring.
- January 21 Do you hear what I hear?
- January 06 Written In the Stars— er, Newspaper.
- December 04 One week— and a day. ( Chakras )
- November 27 Is your underwear on right side out?
- November 25 Teaching stones to talk.
- November 24 Kindred Spirits/Dharma Lesson.
- November 22 Qi Questions.
- November 19 Pain still unresolved.
- November 17 Falling into place.
- November 16 Walking it out.
- November 15 Hurting.
- November 13 A rose, is a rose, is a rose— or is it?
- November 12 Push Hands.
- November 11 Falling Leaves.
- November 05 Take a Hike, Lizzie.
- November 04 The Happy Wanderer.
- October 31 Witch.
- October 29 Patience.
- October 22 Walking on rice paper.
- October 19 Telling tales out of school.
- October 18 Finding my Way.
- October 17 Hands. Company in Noticing.
- October 14 Walking
- October 13 Yin & Yang
- October 12 With interest, compounded.
- October 07 "... And summer's lease hath all too short a date."
- September 30 Days of Grace.
- September 27 My sword and my shield... defenseless. Exiled.
- September 23 A solemn promise.
- September 20 Lizzie's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Rotten Day
- September 18 Cleaning House
- September 15 Hubris
- September 12 Distraction
- September 10 Best Friends
- September 09 Lonesome time.
- September 06 Another dead cat.
- September 05 "Soong."
- September 03 I visit the dead.
- August 31 Chi... When the student is ready...
- August 30 Chi
- August 29 Making time; Epiphany-- Ma, a Zen Master?
- August 22 On the line between kiss & kill
- August 21 The Moolennium Maize
- August 20 Music
- August 19 Revenant Again
- August 18 Letting the Mud Settle
- August 17 The Color of Sky & Water
- July 14 On the learning curve...
- July 08 A death.
- June 30 Too tired.
- June 21 On the Unsunny Side of the Street
- June 14 Refugee from Babel
- June 08 Clout, or O.D.'d on WWII
- June 07 Excuses, excuses...
- May 21 Rewrite! I want a rewrite!; The X-Files & the Implied Close Encounter
- May 18 Lilac scented night... Bad TV.
- May 17 Blackbirds are back in the meadow... neat.
- May 16 We fit ourselves to the paint... and read books.
- May 07 Madwoman Revenant
- April 18 Recherché Réchauffé.
- April 14 Down Among the Male Chauvinist Hogs
- April 12 Hiding Out: Books & Movies Galore
- April 04 I "Publish" My Oobleck Recipe
- April 01 Duct Tape: Useful But Politically Incorrect
- March 26 Addiction.
- March 19 If I only knew what turns you on...
- March 17 ... but who's counting?
- March 15 Beware the Ides of March
- March 12 Things Ripley wouldn't believe; Dr. Scully's [lack of] Practice; Hiding from the Mundane
- March 10 Weatherwise and Otherwise
- March 07 Space Weather Watch; T'ai Chi Chuan
- March 06 Computers
- March 04 Messing about
- February 22 Get outta town!
- February 20 Pressure
- February 18 The Truth is Out There
- February 15 Post Valentine Blues
- February 09 Lizzie, Book Hunter (for the Tri-State Area)
- January 20 Watching and listening through the night
- January 10 The Art of Storytelling: The X-Files P's Me Off Again.
- January 07 Strange Bedfellows.
- January 06 Nada de particular.
- January 03 Off planet entirely.
- January 02 Out in the Zones.
1999 Index of previous journal entries.

Meditation 1
Morning Song of Senlin; Ties; Handsome, well-dressed-men;
Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny)
Meditation 2
Storytelling: Under construction...
Meditation 3
Love?: Under construction...
Seventh Season Commentaries
As I add this comment, in February 2000, I have to say that, in
spite of a bad start, [ Review ],
the Seventh Season has been... interesting. However, I am disgusted by the lack of critical thinking in most reviews I have read, amusing
as some of them are.
It seems to be as I feared: the inadequacies of the scripts are being compensated
for by the viewers/ reviewers. True, there has been much that is good, but it is well to at least acknowledge the bad. I
don't love the show less for its failings-- "Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds," as the man said-- but,
though "winged cupid is often painted blind," blindness isn't required.
Sixth Season Commentaries
1: The Beginning
2: Drive
3: Triangle
4 & 5: Dreamland I & II
6: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
7: Terms of Endearment
8: The Rain King
9 & 10: S.R. 819 & Tithonus
11 & 12: Two Fathers / One Son
13: Agua Mala
14: Monday
15: Arcadia
16: Alpha
17: Trevor
18: Milagro
19: The Unnatural
20: Three of a Kind
21: Field Trip
22: Biogenesis
Here you will find X-Files reviews which I enjoyed reading:
[Autumn Tysko's Sixth Season Reviews]

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