7. The Crown: Sahasrara
"The Center of the Spirit"
This chakra is the seat of our cosmic consciousness and spiritual wisdom. It is the final transformation of our cosmic
energy drawn up from the Root. It is the place where we must surrender all that we believe and all that we have become
to that which is greater than ourselves. It is the place of transcendence.
- Acupoints GV.20 and Anus
- (Related to development of brain & spinal nerves)
- Muscles, genes, connective tissue, pineal gland
- Divine Purpose, destiny
- Life's purpose, divine awareness
The thousand petal lotus. In meditation, its color is violet, white, or gold; its resonant note is B; its mantra is "aum"
or "eee" (as in "bee"). It transcends all the senses.
6. The Brow: Ajna
"The Center of Perceptions"
This chakra is the seat of intuition, awareness, insight, and phychic perception, hence it is also known as "the third eye."
It strives towards the spiritual, reconciling our drives, feelings, and thoughts with dharma. It is the bridge between
the physical and the spiritual. It speaks to us in dreams.
- Acupoints EX-HN.3 and GV.17
- First cervical vertebra, ciliary ganglion
- Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, brain, pituitary gland
- Inner vision, wisdom, inspiration, dreams
- Perceptions, thought, morality
The ninety-six petal lotus. In meditation, its color is indigo; its resonant note is A; its mantra is "shahm" or "mmm."
It is associated with the "sixth sense."
5. The Throat: Vishuddha
"The Center of Personal Expression"
This is the chakra of Creative Expression and Communication. It is the beginning source of intuition. It allows us to transform emotions and feelings into ideas, words, and Art. It expresses the truth of the Heart.
- Acupoints CV.22 and GV.14
- Third cervical certebra, superior cervical ganglion
- Neck, throat, thyroid & parathyroid glands
- Communication, expression, judgement
- Personal expression
The sixteen petal lotus. In meditation, its color is cyan blue; its resonant note is G; its mantra is "hahm."
It is associated with the sense of hearing.
4. The Heart: Anahatha
"The Center of Balance"
This chakra mediates between the lower physical planes and the higher mental planes; it is the gate between.
It balances and stabilizes our life force. It gives us our ability to love and to be compassionate, to give
and to receive freely.
- Acupoints CV.17 and GV.9
- First thoracic vertebra, inferior cervical ganglion
- Heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland
- Interaction with others, love, harmony
- Emotional expression, partnership
The twelve petal lotus. In meditation, its color is green (and sometimes pink); its resonant note is F; its mantra is "yahm"
or "aaa" (as in "ah"). It is associated with the sense of touch.
3. The Solar Plexus: Manipura
"The Center of Personal Power"
This chakra is the source of both laughter and tears. It is the seat of our "gut feelings." It is our physical sense of
knowing. Here we "know" our opinions, store
our emotional baggage. Here we find the strength to stand up for what we believe.
- Acupoints CV.6 and GV.4
- Eighth thoracic vertebra, celiac plexus & ganglion
- Stomach, GI tract, pancreas, liver, spleen
- Mental state, personal power, anger, hostility
- Self-esteem, work
The ten petal lotus. In meditation, its color is yellow; its resonant note is E; its mantra is "rahm" or "aum."
It is associated with the sense of sight.
2. The Sacrum: Svadishtana
"The Center of Emotional & Physical Drives"
This chakra, located at the top of the sacrum, is the center of physical energy and pure emotion. It is the source of all
our basic physical drives and unintellectualized emotional needs, our "animal instincts." It is where healing
- Acupoints CV.4 and GV.2
- First lumbar vertebra, inferior mesenteric ganglion
- Pelvis, lower back, reproductive organs
- Emotions, sexuality, healing, creative urge
- Drives, relationships
The six petal lotus. In meditation, its color is orange; its resonant note is D; its mantra is "vahm" or "ooo"
(as in "home"). It is associated with the sense of taste.
1. The Root: Muladhara
"The Root of Power"
This chakra, located at the very base of the sacrum, is that through which we draw the pure force of the universe.
It grounds us in the universe, like the root of a plant, allowing us to draw the nourishment we need to live and grow.
It is the beginning place, the place of birth and rebirth. The Kundalini.
- Acupoints CV.1 and GV.20
- Fourth sacral vertebra, pelvic plexus
- Blood, bones, spine, adrenal gland
- Physical sensations, survival, strength
- Security, support, family issues
The four petal lotus. In meditation, its color is red; its resonant note is C; its mantra is "lam" or "eee" (as in "fed").
It is associated with the sense of smell.
Phonation: Engaging the Chakras
To engage a chakra, begin by inhaling and exhaling gently and evenly through the nose, keeping the mouth closed. At the beginning of the fourth exhalation, initiate the chakra sound on the chakra note as one continuous, smooth, relaxed nasal humming sound. Do not force the sound. The sound should arise from the dantien and have the dantien's power behind it, supporting it.
- As you hum the sound, feel the sound vibrate through your being, becoming warm. Simultaneously envision the color associated with the chakra.
- When you come to the end of your breath, end the sound gently, but firmly.
- The phonation may be practiced singly, or as a mantra, over and over.
When you are done with each chakra, place your hands, one upon the other, over your dantien. Circle your hands around the dantien slowly three times clockwise, and three times counterclockwise, then press the dantien with your fingertips. Emit the chakra sound vigorously once.
Note: Advanced students of QiGong are encouraged to practice phonation in conjuncton with the "small circle" and "big circle" exercises for moving the the chi (qi) around the Conception and Governing meridians.
Also note: An interesting article, "QiGong Sounds: Medical Therapy Though Phonation" by Stephen KH Aung, MD, appeared in the Winter 2001-2002 (Volume 11, Number 4) edition of Qi Journal.