"What a joy it is to learn and to practice consistently."
Lizzie Formidable © 2005 New Moon
"Middle age approached...
but it backed off immediately at one look from Lizzie."
- Introduction
- A little about me, and Ma, and my teachers
- Journal Entries:
You are about to read a personal journal. It represents only my views and opinions as seen from my perspective. Though I have been as honest and truthful as is possible for me to be, I can not know the thoughts and feelings of others or the whole truth of any matter nor is it right to reveal publicly that which may be hurtful to others. If I speculate in these pages, please remember that I may be wrong. The way I see things can never be the same way others see them. I can only speak for myself. Each entry represents only what I was experiencing, thinking, and feeling at the time the entry was written. What I think is true today, may not be true for me tomorrow. Things change. Please keep all this in mind as you read. Thank you. |
* These pages haven't yet been transcribed.
- About Taijiquan
The Five Virtues
The Eight Truths
The Keys to Taijiquan Practice
Master Jou's Rules for Learning Internal Arts:
- Know yourself
- Always do your best
- Don't overdo
- Make a little progress every day
The Forms
Yang Style
The 24 Forms
The 32 Sword Forms
Chen Style
Xinjia Yilu (New Frame, First Path)
Tai Chi for Arthritis®
TCA Forms (Based on Sun Style)
About Karate
The Dojo Kun: Precepts to Live By
One Way to Practice Karate
Essay: What Color Is Your Belt?
Some interesting thoughts related to karate (and taiji):
Kata As An Esoteric Practice by Gary Gabelhouse
Kuji-In and Kuji-Kiri by James Deacon
Note: If the above sites disappear, let me know: I've saved the text. It's worth reading.
About Kobudo or Kobujutsu
The Hakama & Keikogi
The Weapons
About Meditation
Pine Tree Dojo Meditation Hall
Please take a few minutes to relax and join others of our online community while practicing sitting meditation, standing post (zhan zhuang), or static postures.
Ways to Wake Up
Books: A list of recommend books
Annual Events of Note:
World Tai Chi & Chi Gong Day: 29 April 2006, 10:00 a.m. Worldwide
N.E. Chinese Martial Arts Championships
Publications of Note:
Tai Chi Magazine, a bi-monthly magazine
Taijiquan Journal, a quarterly magazine
Qi Journal, a quarterly journal
Other Interesting Links:
Daily Zen, an online contemplative haven
Valley Spirit Taijiquan and Qigong Journal by Michael P. Garofalo
Peaceful Wolf T'ai Chi, David Shaver's school
The Madwoman's Journal, a personal journal
Olde Allen Farm, a learning center for herbalists
Lizzie's Yin-Yang Cookie Recipe
Cheerful Music Get up and dance!
El Rio Drive Polka
Clarinet Polka
Allons Lafayette
Blackthorn Stick
Pineapple Rag
Paramount Rag
Semper Fidelis
Never On Sunday
In the Mood
"It only hurts when I'm not laughing."
Jackie Chan
All original text and art on this site copyright © 2005 New Moon