July 2000
There was only one journal entry related to t'ai chi this month.
01: Saturday
02: Sunday
03: Monday
04: Tuesday
05: Wednesday
06: Thursday
07: Friday
08: Saturday
09: Sunday
10: Monday
11: Tuesday
12: Wednesday
13: Thursday
14: Friday
No aurora to be seen. One green firefly, one near-full moon, and a sky full of interesting clouds slipping about among the stars. Beautiful night.
This week I'm on the learning curve and it's a steep one this time. I love learning, but I really, really, really hate the feeling of being profoundly stupid that is the precursor of the acquisition of the knowledge. Really. I've been feeling stupid all week. Computers. Pfui.
And to add to it, I'm on the T'ai Chi learning curve, too. I know all 24 forms now, but, of course, I perform them badly no, that's not true. I perform them as a beginner does. Badly, but only by reason of being a beginner. Now that I have the idea of the forms, though, I have to work on the execution the practice. And that means the instructor is going to correct me. And he does. And that means I feel stupid. (But I still really, really enjoy T'ai Chi.)
15: Saturday
16: Sunday
17: Monday
18: Tuesday
19: Wednesday
20: Thursday
21: Friday
22: Saturday
23: Sunday
24: Monday
25: Tuesday
26: Wednesday
27: Thursday
28: Friday
29: Saturday
30: Sunday
31: Monday
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