Copyright Notice
Undercurrents © Copyright 1990, 1991 by James Ide.
Undercurrents online version © Copyright 1999 by New Moon.
Original Illustrations © Copyright 1999 by Leslie Mundy.
Blake's 7 and all the characters belong to the BBC and Terry Nation.
No infringement of any existing copyright is intended or implied.
All original story copyrights reserved.
No part of this manuscript, text or illustrations, may be posted,
reproduced, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher, New Moon.
Undercurrents online version is published by:
New Moon
P.O. Box 549
Harrisville, RI 02830
"There are plenty of surprises for the Blake's 7 fan. Ide takes
constants from the BBC series and presents a whole new set of
variables... If you enjoy Blake's 7, you will enjoy
Undercurrents." -- Christy Gray, Who's Times
"[James Ide's] style is both clean and entertaining, and I think
he's going to become a major name in Blake's 7 fan fiction."
-- Michael Macomber, Liberator's Log
"I define 'skillfully crafted' as a story that keeps me turning
the pages as well as involved with the characters. Undercurrents
did that rather nicely." -- Jean Graham, The Revel Times
Author's Note from the First Edition
Not so long ago, I discovered Blake's 7 quite by accident one Sunday
night on my local PBS station, and it struck me immediately as
being the most entertaining television programme I had ever
seen. Not because it was perfect, but because it was so beautifully
theatrical and so alive. Everyone who ever played a
part in bringing Blake's 7 to life, the actors, writers,
directors, producers, technicians, assistant assistant assistants,
gofers, tea ladies-- in short, everyone who contributed to
creating the wonderful entertainment of Blake's 7,
must be very proud indeed to have been part of it.
This novel was written as an entertainment, too-- in fact, I
had intended only to write an amusing story for my cousin, a
Blake's 7 fan of many years standing, but, much to my
surprise, it turned into something more...
And the result is now being published in fandom. I only hope you
all enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed watching
Blake's 7.
James Ide, New Moon
January 1991
If this book were to include a bibliography, the following would be
cited: "Avon: A Terrible Aspect" by Paul Darrow. An amazing depth
of interpretation can be achieved by both writers and actors when a
character has some history, but, when one has a complete
biography to draw from--! I'd have to be a fool not to
seize such an advantage. Thank you for the biography, Mr. Darrow. --JI
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